Sheffield Village, Ohio Selects Aespire CityBrand Website Platform to Boost Economic Development and Community Engagement

Sheffield Village realized their website didn't reflect the community's positive growth, forward-thinking brand, and the tremendous opportunity that Sheffield Village offers for economic development in Northeast Ohio.

Limited by the inability to manage and update the website in real time, a lack of accessibility to residents and site visitors, and a website that was over a decade old, Sheffield Village knew it needed to make a change so it can continue to grow. is the first website to launch on the Aespire CityBrand Web platform.

The CityBrand Web platform is purpose-built for the needs of any size community, by an agency with decades of community brand-building and economic development expertise. Aespire combines civic storytelling powered by the StoryBrand marketing framework (why a community is a preferred place to live, work, play, and do business) with a purpose-built website platform that serves the requirements of civic government.

Now the Sheffield Village administration is equipped to serve residents, business leaders, and foster economic growth with a website that empowers designated staff members to:

  • Manage and update content from a web browser with user-friendly editing tools,
  • Maintain archival records, so Sheffield Village stays in compliance with state code,
  • Reduce barriers for website visitors and ADA compliance issues,
  • Provide residents and the business community with the information they need,
  • Increase trust, credibility, and opportunities for economic development, and
  • Share the story of why Sheffield Village is a preferred place to live, work, play, and do business.

If your community’s website is built on a consumer-level platform (such as WordPress) or on a platform designed for another sector (such as education), you’re not getting the full benefit of a solution purpose-built with the needs of civic government in mind. 

When a town, city, or village doesn’t have the capacity it needs to develop and maintain a professional website, that means the website gets neglected, and information gets outdated — leading to frustrated residents — and missed economic development opportunities. A civic website must represent the story and brand of a community in the best possible way.

A municipality’s website is the expression of a community’s brand and most public presence.  People evaluate a community and its leadership by the quality of its public brand and reputation by what they experience online.

Many municipalities don’t have the resources, capacity, or expertise to develop a secure and reliable website that supports the goals of the administration, promotes transparency, meets state and federal requirements, supports economic development, and serves the community.

The Aespire CityBrand Web platform is the ideal combination of a website powered by clear messaging and leading-edge technology that makes the process of maintaining a civic website stress-free.

Interested civic administrators and communications officers are invited to schedule a call with brand and growth advisor Brian Sooy at (440) 213-8116, or to schedule a consultation to discuss what the future could be like when your civic website is one that helps your community grow, and civic government get more done.


Aespire is a leading marketing agency that guides leaders with strategy, messaging, and marketing to build brands and community.  Visit Aespire at for branding, clear messaging, and marketing that will help grow your brand and business.